Aromatherapy benefits all who choose to apply this technique in their daily lives. Aromatherapy includes the use of essential oils which are used by placing a few drops in a diffuser to scent the room or by applying a few drops to the skin and rubbing it in. However, essential oils should never be ingested.
Additionally it is a very good idea to keep your eyes closed if you are inhaling the aromatic oil. This helps build up your imagery or visualization which enhances the effect of the essential oil. It also prevents "fumes" from irritating the eyes at close range. And make sure that you don't apply any oils close to your eyes.
Aromatherapy has been around for approximately 6000 years or more. The early Greeks, Romans, and ancient Egyptians all used aromatherapy oils for treatment. The Egyptian physician Imhotep vehemently recommended fragrant oils for bathing, massage, and for embalming their dead nearly 6000 years ago.
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And of course Imhotep is the Egyptian god of medicine and healing. Later, Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used aromatherapy baths and scented massage as well. He also used aromatic fumigations to rid Athens of the plague demonstrating that aromatherapy benefits all.
Aromatherapy studies have shown the power of these essential oils to induce relaxation, reduce anxiety and ease depression. For this reason aromatherapy has seen a resurgence over the last few years.
These essential oils stimulate the olfactory organs that are linked to the area of the brain that controls emotions. So to that extent aromatherapy benefits all who employ this technique to relieve themselves from any of these symptoms.
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The essential oils are aromatic essences extracted from plants, flowers, trees, fruits, bark, grasses and seeds with distinctive therapeutic, psychological, and physiological properties, which improve and prevent illness.
There are about 150 essential oils and most of these oils have antiseptic properties; some are antiviral, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, antidepressant and expectorant. Other properties of the essential oils which are taken advantage of in aromatherapy are their stimulation, relaxation, digestion improvement, and diuretic properties.
Aromatherapy benefits all and is definitely one of the fastest growing fields in alternative medicine today. It is widely used in homes, in clinics and hospitals for a variety of applications such as pain relief for women in labor pain, and in relieving pain caused by the side effects of the chemotherapy undergone by the cancer patient, and including rehabilitation of cardiac patients as well.
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Can you believe that in Japan, engineers are pumping aromatherapy systems into their corporate buildings? In one such application, the scent of lavender and rosemary is pumped into the customer area through the ventilation system to calm down waiting customers, while the perfumes of lemon and eucalyptus are being used at the bank teller counters to keep their staff alert!
Here are some additional problems aromatherapy can help you to overcome. Following are the results of a recent clinical study:
Aromatherapy can be particularly effective for stress, anxiety, and psychosomatic induced problems, muscular and rheumatic pains, digestive disorders and women's problems, such as PMS, menopausal complaints and postnatal depression.
Obviously aromatherapy runs the gambit in healing a myriad of health-related issues and diseases including and not limited to eliminating harmful sleeping pills by inducing sleep with lavender essential oil to helping relieve the symptoms of the common cold with eucalyptus.
Because eucalyptus happens to be a very powerful bactericidal and anti-viral, a steam inhalation with eucalyptus is an effective natural treatment for colds. It eases nasal congestion and inhibits proliferation of the cold virus. With that said you can plainly see how aromatherapy truly benefits all.
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This Article Aromatherapy & Herbal Medicine to you by HealthArc Herbal Remedies.