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It is no surprise that America is overweight. We all overeat and we have even passed this over eating syndrome on to our children. Children are routinely fed fast food and soda pop or other sugary drinks without a second thought. These foods as we well know are often high in sodium and fat which clogs the arteries while the soda pops bloat the fat cells. Is it no wonder that they grow up to be obese or overweight adults? And is it no wonder that we as adults are obese and/or overweight?
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I have had my battles and struggles with being overweight at certain times in my life. However, I have found a couple of ways to get the weight off fast. And you will be able to take the weight off as well and keep it off as long as you continue to use the following suggestions.
My first suggestion is to get a series of colonics. A series of no less than 3 treatments. Colonics clean the colon and remove debris that has accumulated over the years which has turned into a plaster like film on the colon walls. This creates a blockage in the colon and waste is unable to pass through the colon and is unable to be eliminated properly.
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If you take a series of colonics this will help to flatten the stomach area, help you lose weight and provide energy as well. Colonics have been know to clear the skin and to brighten the eyes.
At least this has been my experience. I started out with a series of three and with a little jogging everyday for about 4-6 weeks to my total delight I ended up with a totally flat tummy and tons of energy and clearer skin and brighter eyes.
Along with the colonics my second suggestion is an Oriental Rice Diet. On this diet you are to eat brown rice and raw vegetables, or legumes, or fruit without any seasoning. No salt, no pepper no nothing. If you start out in the morning with fruit you cannot eat legumes for breakfast.
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Whatever you start with in the morning you are to stick with for the 3 meals that day. This is done for 3 days and creates a scrubbing effect in the body. This scrubbing loosens foreign debris and particles from your organs and cells. So on day four you are to drink juices, water and preferably herbal teas all day in order to wash away all of the debris that was loosened from the scrubbing of the body.
You are to repeat this once a month and you will maintain your desired body weight. If you only did this once monthly not only would you lose weight but you would maintain your proper body weight. This is also good for eliminating high blood pressure as well. That is my Ancient Oriental Diet Secret.
For maintenance it is best to bathe in sea salts as these salts help to remove excess water weight. If practiced regularly any water weight will diminish and your skin will be provided with the right amount of moisture -- leaving your skin soft, supple, healthy and glowing. There are a lot of sea salts on the market today that are pricey. But old fashioned Epsom Salt will do just fine.
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After a daily shower it is best to rinse in cold water before exiting the shower. Just make the water as cold as you can stand it comfortably. This will not only rejuvenate you and keep you cool as you dress, it will also help to keep your skin firm and will increase circulation. The main benefit of this is that this will tighten your skin and keep your skin from sagging. It is most refreshing and if you don't do this as a daily routine now it is recommended that you begin immediately.
My last suggestion is vinegar and honey. You simply boil a cup of water and season to taste with 'Raw Honey.' Usually a teaspoon or two and perhaps a cap of vinegar. 'Bragg Organic Apple Cider With The Mother' is recommended. You can pick it up at any health food store for a couple of dollars. Please do not attempt to use regular Apple Cider Vinegar.
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Vinegar cuts fat and honey has so many benefits that are so lengthy that I will not address them in this article. But this concoction will not only help you lose weight it is responsible for a host of other benefits. I would advise you to pick up a book on the benefits of Vinegear and Honey which can also be found in your nearest health food store or online.
If you are able to follow these weight loss suggestions you will be on your way to a slimmer, healthier, happier you!
This Article Natural Weight Loss Suggestions is brought to you by Healtharc Herbal Remedies