If you do not have a genuine desire to quit smoking and if you truly still enjoy smoking it is going to be extremely difficult for you to stop. In order to stop once and for all you must learn to disassociate smoking with pleasure and instead associate it with thoughts that are painful about smoking. That is the best quit smoking method you can use. However, this will require some thought on your part and it is recommended that you start this thought process prior to embarking on your quit smoking program.
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Take some quiet time to think about what it is doing to you mentally and about how it is affecting your health. Notice your breathing. Has it become more labored? Has someone offended you by mentioning to you that your clothes smell of cigarette smoke. Do you have nicotine breath? Or perhaps you have medical issues like high blood pressure or heart problems that should be preventing you from smoking anyway. Use your thoughts of these things as triggers to associate pain with smoking and it will be easier to stop.
The second best quit smoking method is cold turkey. Many people start using a nicotine patch when they decide to quit smoking. But some research has found that the small doses of nicotine in a nicotine patch simply keep you hooked and you will eventually begin to smoke again because you never allow the nicotine to completely leave your body.
The third best quit smoking method would be an all natural or herbal nicotine free quit smoking patch. Most user's experience has been that cravings for nicotine diminish dramatically within the first 10-15 days of starting on an herbal or all natural nicotine free patch. If you must use a quit smoking aid make sure that you refrain from using any product that contains any amount of nicotine.
Try an e-cigarette today
How about these wonderful benefits of not smoking?
* Rid the smell of stale tobacco from your hair, skin and clothes.
* Increase your attractiveness to others with healthier, glowing skin, improved oral hygiene and fewer wrinkles.
* Feel more confident in public knowing you won't be polluting the air or subjecting others to second-hand smoke.
* Get asked out more! Smoking is an enormous turn off to potential partners, so when you go smoke-free, you can expect a whole lot more positive attention from others!
And how about these wonderful health benefits of not smoking:
* Improve your breathing and overall fitness.
* Reduce your risk of illness, disability or death caused by cancer, heart disease, lung disease, and stroke.
* Protect the health of the people you care about eliminating second-hand smoke.
* Improve your fertility and your chance of a healthy pregnancy and baby.
* Improve your taste buds so you can truly enjoy the flavor of the food you eat.
* Increased libido and endurance
So if you are feeling controlled by your addiction -- BE A SLAVE NO MORE! Free yourself from the stronghold of nicotine by taking these quit smoking methods and applying them. You will able to make your quit smoking experience a lot easier by using the best quit smoking methods outlined here.
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This Article The Best Quit Smoking Methods is brought to you by HealthArc Herbal Remedies